The Forestry degree program aims to ensure its graduates the qualification of forestry graduate, materialized by acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge related to forest management and its products, to acquire cognitive and practical skills related to the ability of expression and professional communication through written and oral resources, the ability to professionally document and access forest information from a variety of means, including electronic databases, libraries, files, etc., the ability to develop in the field of forestry written pieces summarizing professional information, pieces that inform in the ascending hierarchical line and guide in the descending line, as well as the ability to develop studies appropriate to the training, the ability to integrate in a team, to support points of view, to collaborate with other specialists objectively and correct. Setting specific objectives is based on a unitary thinking based on the following concepts: the concept of ecosystem vision on the forest, the concept of the need for any household, technical intervention in the forest to present an ecological and environmental protection component, the concept of ensuring multiple forest functions , even if they still cannot be expressed in value, the concept of continuous, step-by-step training (master’s degree, doctorate), based on linguistic and documentary skills.
Cognitive objectives:
- knowledge of abiotic and biotic factors that condition forest production (wood, non-wood and game);
- knowledge of the biology of plant and animal organisms in the forest ecosystem, relevant for forest production;
- knowledge of the laws governing the forest ecosystem, possible deviations and remedial measures;
- knowledge of economic laws specific to forest production.
Application objectives:
- knowledge of mathematical, statistical and informational procedures for quantitative and qualitative determination of forest status;
- knowledge of techniques for establishing, managing and improving stands, harvesting and capitalizing on timber and forest by-products;
- knowledge of the procedures for administration, organization of forest production and its capitalization.
Professional skills
- Substantiation of the sustainable management of the forest fund, of the hunting fund, salmonic fund and of the biodiversity conservation
- Elaboration and implementation of technical-economic projects regarding the regulation of the forest, hunting and salmon production process
- Development, implementation and monitoring of ecological reconstruction projects
- Implement measures to protect, improve and increase the productivity of forest ecosystems
- Knowledge and control of the application of the legal, administrative, financial-accounting and market framework specific to forestry
- Administration of the information system specific to forestry.
Transversal skills
- Elaboration and observance of a work program and accomplishment of one’s own attributions with professionalism and rigor
- Applying effective communication techniques in specific teamwork activities; assuming a role within the team and respecting the principles of the division of labor
- Objective self-assessment of the need for continuous professional training in order to constantly adapt and respond to the demands of economic development; the use of information and communication techniques and an international language.
Curriculum 2016-2020
Curriculum 2017-2021
Curriculum 2020-2023