This procedure sets out the way the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad carries out the automatic recognition of the teaching degrees in the academic higher education, degrees awarded by accredited higher education institutions from abroad. This procedure observes the principle of lawfulness, academic autonomy, transparency, liability, of the applicable ethical and deontological norms.

According to Art. 825 of the Law on National Education no. 1/ 2011, with subsequent amendments, the teaching degrees in the academic education are:

a) assistant;

b) lecturer/ senior lecturer;

c) associate professor;

d) professor.

The automatic recognition of the teaching degrees awarded abroad may occur in the event of participation in a competition for teaching positions vacancies or in of other teaching activities carried out at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad. The automatic recognition of the teaching degree awarded abroad is carried out before the competition for teaching position vacancy at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad takes place if the applicant wished to participate in the competition procedure. The teaching position occupancy at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad is performed according to the applicable law and the own methodologies;

Eligibility Requirements

The provisions of this procedure apply to the Romanian citizens, to the citizens from the European Union, the European Economic Area Member States, to citizens from the Swiss Confederation and to third countries citizens. There are eligible for automatic recognition of the teaching degrees in higher education, the degrees awarded by higher education institutions accredited abroad:

a. accredited higher education institutions from Member States of the European Union, European Economic Area, from the Swiss Confederation

b. prestigious universities from other states included in the List of Prestigious Universities from other States, approved by decision of the Minister for National Education and Scientific Research and regularly updated

c. accredited higher education institutions which are subject to an international convention of mutual recognition, concluded at inter-governmental or inter-academic levels.

Where applicable, the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad asks the National Center for Diplomas Recognition and Equivalence (hereinafter named CNRED) and National Council for Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates Attestation opinions.


The applicant submits the file for automatic recognition of the teaching degree awarded by higher education institutions, accredited abroad, at the Service for Human Resources Prognosis, Planning, Development Strategies or through the platform Portal Sole Electronic via the link:

The file is to comprise:

a. Application for Recognition, according to the model Appendix 1;

b. Identity document – copy – and the proof of name change– (in certified copy) for the Romanian citizens and in copy and legalized translation for foreign citizens;

c. Doctor diploma and/ or the Habilitation Certificate, translated legalized copies,

– authenticated with the Hague Apostil for the States which are part of the Convention on the Hague Apostil;

– over-legalized or accompanied by the certificate of authenticity issued by the competent authorities from the country of origin for the states which are not part of the Convention on the Hague Apostil.

– The exempt from apostil or over-legalization is allowed according to the law, an international treaty which Romania is part of or by mutuality.

d. The proof of the teaching degree, issued by the institution of higher education abroad, in translated and legalized copy. The proof is to be as a certificate and will comprise at least the following elements:

– Person’s name and surname

– The held teaching degree and the date of confirmation of this degree

e) CV and list of publications & scientific contributions;

f) The proof of paying the fee for processing the file (processing fee set out by the Board of Directors). It can be paid by bank transfer/ account deposit to:

BENEFICIARY: Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldis din Arad – The “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad

VAT number: 14305480

BANK: Banca Comerciala Romana, sucursala Arad – Romanian Commercial Bank, Arad Branch

IBAN: RO 74 RNCB 0015028152520001 LEI BCR

IBAN: RO 47 RNCB 0015028152520002 EURO BCR

*The files that do not comprise all above requested documents are not to be accepted. If there are any doubts on the above presented documents, UVVG may ask for clarifications to the competent authority or holder.

After review by the employees of the Service for Prognosis, Planning, Human Resources Development Strategies, the file is registered at the University Register. After registration, the file is sent to the legal compartment and, afterwards, to the commission for the evaluation of the recognition files. The fulfillment of the lawfulness requirements for automatic recognition of the teaching degree is certified by the opinion issued by the Legal Compartment, based on the checking of the documents from the file. The opinion is informed to the applicant in maximum 48 hours since its issuing.

For the automatic recognition of the teaching degrees at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, an evaluation commission of the file for recognition of the teaching degrees is to be established, appointed by Rector’s decision.
After reviewing the file, the Evaluation Commission proposes to the University management a solution on the request for recognition of the teaching degree in 30 days since the application has been registered. The deadline may be extended in justified cases, the applicant being informed in writing on the extension of the deadline.

If the file is endorsed, the University Rector is to issue a decision for automatic recognition of the teaching degree at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad.
If the file is not endorsed, the University Rector is to issue a decision for non-recognition of the teaching degree at the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad.

Appeals and ways of appeal

In order to solve the eventual appeals on the procedure for automatic recognition of the teaching degrees, a commission for solving the appeals is to be appointed by Rector’s decision. The appellants have the right to submit appeals within 3 (three) working days since the result of the evaluation commission was communicated. The commission for solving the appeals is to review and communicate the result of the appeal in 5 (five) days since the end of the deadline for appeals submission.

The university final decision may be appealed in court.

According to this procedure, the recognition of the teaching degree by the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad is valid and enforceable only at the level of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad.
The recognition of the teaching degree by CNRED is valid and enforceable on the entire Romanian territory.

See also here:

Procedure on the automatic recognition, by the “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, of the teaching degrees from the academic education awarded in higher education institutions accredited abroad

This procedure is issued according to the following legal regulations:

Law no. 1/2011 Law on national education, updated, Art. 216 par. (2) lett. f);
Law no. 200 of May 25, 2004 on the recognition of the diplomas and professional qualifications for the regulated professions in Romania;
Law No. 53/2003 of January 24, 2003 *** Republished Code of Labor
Government Decision No. 457 of May 4, 2011on the approval of the Framework Methodology of competition for the occupancy of the vacant teaching and research positions in higher education;
The Disposition of the minister for national education and research no. 5.825/2016 on the approval of the list of prestigious universities from other States, changed by the Disposition No. 3858/2017 of May 4, 2017;
The Disposition of the minister for national education and scientific research No. 3482/2016 of March 24, 2016 on the approval of the Regulation for organization and functioning of the National Council for Certification of Academic Titles, Diplomas, and Certificates, with subsequent amendments
The disposition of the minister of the national education and scientific research No. 5922 of December 6, 2016 on the approval of the Methodology on the automatic recognition by the higher education institutions, of the teaching degrees from the academic education awarded by accredited higher education institutions from abroad, published in the Official Gazette no. 1007 of December 15, 2016

Service for Prognosis, Planning, Human Resources Development Strategies

Arad, 94-96 Revolutiei Bd;

Tel/fax: +4 0257285891; Email: